Lacombe Police Collective Agreement

The Lacombe Police Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

The Lacombe Police Collective Agreement is a legally binding agreement between the Lacombe Police Association and the City of Lacombe that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for police officers in the city.

This agreement is designed to ensure that Lacombe police officers are fairly compensated for their work, receive appropriate benefits and working conditions, and are treated fairly and with respect by their employer.

Let`s take a closer look at the key elements of the Lacombe Police Collective Agreement.


The agreement outlines the base salary and annual increases for police officers, as well as any additional bonuses or incentives that may be available to officers who meet certain performance criteria or qualifications.

The agreement also outlines the overtime policies and procedures for police officers, including how overtime is paid and how it is calculated.


The Lacombe Police Collective Agreement includes a comprehensive benefits package for police officers, which may include medical and dental insurance, life insurance, and disability insurance. The agreement also outlines the pension plan available to police officers, which may include both defined contribution and defined benefit plans.

Working Conditions

The agreement outlines the working conditions for police officers, including their hours of work, vacation time, and sick leave policies. It also outlines the process for handling grievances and disputes between police officers and their employer.

Professional Development

The Lacombe Police Collective Agreement includes provisions for professional development and training for police officers, which may include continuing education opportunities, workshops, and conferences to help them stay current with the latest techniques and technologies in law enforcement.


The Lacombe Police Collective Agreement is an essential document that protects the rights and interests of police officers in the city of Lacombe. By outlining the terms and conditions of employment for police officers, it ensures that they are fairly compensated for their work, receive appropriate benefits and working conditions, and are treated with respect and professionalism by their employer.

Lacombe Police Collective Agreement
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